Top 8 Packages You must-have in your Linux-Ubuntu Based Distro's.
Ubuntu is a Linux-based Operating system and is available for proficiency tasks and Processes as the user demands. It is the most Popular Distribution of Linux and widely-used OS of Linux. In case, you don't know Linux is an open-source Operating system, unlike Windows.
Top 8 Packages for your Linux
1. Timeshift
Command - Sudo apt install timeshift
Description - Timeshift is a Backup tool for your Linux os like windows have their backup and restore built-in feature. Timeshift can restore your OS to its original state except for files in them like pictures, documents, desktop, etc. Timeshift is a very handy tool. even you destroyed your OS completely, it can restore it without reinstalling it.
2. Media Codecs
Command - Sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
Description - Ubuntu can't play all types of Codecs that's where this package becomes handy. Even MP3 songs want their codecs to be played. After running this command, the Agreement interface will open. Tap on the tab button an.d then enter to accept the Agreement of media codecs.
3. Preload
Command - sudo apt install preload
Description - When it comes to boosting your performance of your, Preload to the rescue. Simply, Preload observes which application you use the most, and keeps them in memory before you open them. Let's say you use google chrome a lot or other IDE for your development purposes. When you click on the chrome app icon, an ample amount of time is needed for the application to be read from the hard disk and loaded memory. With Preload enabled, your computer knows you use chrome a lot. so it's already kept chrome in the memory and boosts your performance.
4. Tweak Tool
Command - Sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
Description - Tweak tool is a open source software used in ubuntu distro's to customize the interface between you and your computer. It can also enable dark mode which is disabled by default by your OS.
5. Tlp tlp-rdw
Command - Sudo apt install tlp tlp-rdw
Description - By using Tlp tool, you can make your laptop battery last longer by implementing some power-saving protocols. It's a very handy tool when it comes to saving battery power on your laptop where power saving is the first priority to the last longer.
6. Numix Theme
Command - Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme-circle
Description - Linux has there owned default Yaru theme which has a great color scheme and a very polished look but after some time you want your computer to look elegant and prosperous for your eyes.
7. Synaptic package Manager
Command - sudo apt install synaptic
Description - Synaptic package manager is a package installer for ubuntu where you can download and install custom snaps of certain apps. You can update your packages also.
8. Bleachbit
Command - Sudo apt install bleachbit
Description - After some time, your computer needs junk cleanup and cache cleanup. By using Blechbit, it can clean junk files and applications without root permissions.