Top 5 Command Prompt (CMD) Commands You Must Know As a Programmer in 2022

Top 5 Command Prompt (CMD) Commands You Must Know As a Programmer in 2022

The Command Prompt is Always a Powerful and Useful Tool for Window Users. Unlike Linux users, Very Few Windows Users Knows How to use CMD to Fullest.


The Command Prompt Was always the Good friend of Windows Users like Linux users have their good friend Bash Terminal. Microsoft Keeps Improving their Products like Window Store, Interface and other Stuff except for Windows Command Prompt (CMD) but there is no need for up-gradation of CMD because CMD is always the Supermecy to Windows Users.             

Windows CMD Commands

If you haven't known the commands of CMD then Friend, you are missing a very important tool in windows that is Power of CMD Commands.

1. CD

The first and very Important Command on the list is cd. Suppose, You are in your C drive and you Want to go to Users-> Desktop then How will you go there.?      
CD command to the rescue!!!!!!
Just Type Cd before Directory Name. You can refer above image for understanding CD Command. Now you are wondering, hey Now How can I go to the previous directory, right? Well, CD .. To the rescue!!!!!!
By Typing the cd .. You can go back to the previous directory.

2. Mkdir

Mkdir is the Simple command which is used to make a new directory or folder in your system.
Just type - mkdir and Folder name like as I have done in the above photo. This is the useful command, right? whenever you want to create a folder, just type this command.

3. Rmdir

Rmdir command is used to delete some particular folder or directory in your system. This command is useful when you are a developer or programmer who needs to make folders again and again but if you want to delete all folder and files in your particular folder then rmdir /s Folder_name -> rmdir /s junkFolder

4. Dir

When you don't know what is in this folder then we use dir command. Dir simply tells us that this folder or file is in our folder. By Typing Dir command, you will get to know what files are in our folder.

5. Shutdown /s

As the name suggests, We can shut down our Computer or Laptop by using this command.
Now, if you want to restart your computer use this command -> shutdown /r

That's all for Today. See you in the Next one, Bye Bye.
