step:1 open your browser like google chrome ,opera,uc etc.
step:2 in the search engine you have to type recuva software for window & download link is also given below:-
step:3 download the software & install it
step:4 click on next next & agree the license agreement.
then the software look alike
step:5 then file type option appear so click on the file/video/pictures/documents etc which file is deleted click on that option.
step:6 then click on next & choose your location where were the files was deleted.
step:7 then click on start so processing will start & your deleted files were opened.
step:8 then select on files which you want to recover and click on recover.
step:9 then select your location where you want to recover. so your process will compelete.
so thats it
imp point: if your file will not recover then click on the 'enable deep scan'
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